
Exploration, discovery, implementation, inspiration. Explore, Discover, Implement, Inspire - your Self.

Our dependence upon others to show us “the way” has become imbalanced. We’ve become habituated to others laying out a detailed roadmap for us when it comes to almost everything re our self care, from the spiritual to the physical. Ingrained in us from our childhood that there are formulaic solutions to problems robs us from accessing our own healing power. 1+1=2. There you go, done! However, most things don’t add up as cleanly as elementary math.

At the same time, a healthy amount of drawn inspiration is just that, healthy. This is where I’ve learned to incorporate the principles of my practice.

- To observe fully
- Communication truthfully
- Act decisively based on your guiding principles.

When defining full observation, we take into account our outward observation and how that resonates with our insides. This sounds obvious but is a key ingredient in why we are where we are. How many times do we go against the feeling that “this just doesn’t feel right”. How often do you do things in your day that you truly don’t want to do? I would argue that there is nothing that you do that you don’t want to, even the things that you think you don’t, but that’s material for a another post.

For this communication let’s use my reaction to social media as an example of the observation.

Being in possession of our most powerful mind bending tool (the phone) I of course find myself scrolling. I naturally see the posts, most of which are fitness related, and at first I feel inspired. My inspiration in many cases is being triggered by the provocative rather than informative nature of the material. After only a few minutes my feelings of inspiration change to malaise.

Stop, that’s enough. but do I? I notice that at that moment a decision must be made, and that decision should come from the truthful communication with myself that I’ve crossed a internal boundary. Upon realizing the breach, the help will always come from my guiding principles. If I’ve set forth the guiding principles of peace, serenity, and conscious creativity, I know it’s time to stop. To allow the gentle parent in me to guide in putting down the phone.

Now feel the void.
The boundary line between going to back to doing what we know or embarking on a different course. The different course holds unknown feelings which may contain fear, anxiety, hurt, loneliness, resentment and anger. It is in this place that our first inspiration may come from. For me the void became a “room” for art. And art is everything. We are all artists we just may not have given ourselves the license to call ourselves that. We are creating our lives are we not? We create our next move, whether we stand, sit, eat, leave the house? These are all of our creation. And beyond that it is this movement that begets the next one. So ask yourself how creative do you want to be? How much do you want to explore? And in that exploration lies the discovery, and along the way there are tools for implementation. And as you become creator look to your own work for inspiration. Whatever you are building will give you the instruction for the next part of it’s own creation. You just must begin again as you began to create, which is to observe, communicate, and act. You are the creator co creating. And so it is.